Webinar Registrations Closed
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Presented by John A. Svirsky
D.D.S., M.Ed.

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This webinar's registrations are closed

Course Description

Oral Pathology

This live webinar is different from other Concord seminars in that it is a self-assessment test that you grade yourself. Everyone gets 100%! At the completion of this live webinar you will be an expert on the soft tissue and radiographic entities that every dentist and hygienist should know. Some interesting cases will “pop up.”

Be ready for a real oral pathology adventure. We go over the entities together in an interactive format. It gives you a chance to see what you really know and what you have forgotten since school. This is the test that I give the junior dental students that they have to pass at 100% proficiency to go on to the senior year. Are you ready and able to take the challenge? Let’s have some fun and make a difference in the lives of our patients.

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  1. Become proficient in the entities that every dentist and hygienist should be able to recognize and treat.
  2. Learn to recognize and treat common oral diseases.
  3. Learn the medications that successfully treat the common oral diseases.
  4. Recognize the premaligant lesions that are associated with oral cancer.
  5. Learn the common entities found on radiograpids and when biospy is necessary.
  6. Learn the importance of decompression in the treatment of large lesions found on radiographs.
  7. Recognize dermatologic diseases that have oral manifestations.
  8. Develop a differential diagnosis for radiolucent and radiopaque lesions found on radiographs.
  9. Recognize salivary gland tumors and necrotizing sialometaplasia and the consequences.
  10. Diagnose erythema multiforme in all of its manifestations.
  11. Differentiate pemphigus from benign mucous membrane pemphigoid.
  12. Diagnose florid cemento-osseous dysplasia and protect yourself from a lawsuit.
  13. Test yourself to see where you fit in the oral pathology “food chain.” Think of it as your oral pathology FICA score.

Concord Dental & Medical Seminars Is Designated by AGD and ADA

Concord Dental & Medical Seminars is designated as a Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenance credit.

Concord Dental & Medical Seminars is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Associates to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education