
Presented by Marie Fluent

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$59 Pricing

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Course Description

Infection Control, OSHA

Dental personnel often see OSHA as a “dreaded foe,” or “feared-friend” at best. Many do not appreciate the importance of OSHA regulations in the safe practice of dentistry. In this course, attendees will learn the differences between CDC Guidelines and OSHA Regulations and the OSHA inspection process. The Top 10 OSHA citations and strategies to prevent these infection control lapses in YOUR office will be discussed. Attendees will also learn practical suggestions and product selection on how the dental team can work together to ensure a mutually safe work environment for employees and patients.

The educational teaching methodology used in this course is a self-study lecture presented via pre-recorded webinar in concert with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Both the pre-recorded webinar and the PowerPoint presentation incorporate a variety of audio and visual cues to enhance audience members’ understanding and retention of key concepts.

Course Objectives

At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:

  1. Discuss the roles of CDC guidelines and OSHA Regulations
  2. Describe the role and regulatory authority of OSHA in dental healthcare settings
  3. Understand the required OSHA Standards documents
  4. Discuss the importance of a written office-specific infection control program

Concord Dental & Medical Seminars Is Designated by AGD and ADA

Concord Dental & Medical Seminars is designated as a Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider by the Academy of General Dentistry. The formal continuing education programs of this program provider are accepted by the AGD for Fellowship/Mastership and membership maintenance credit.

Concord Dental & Medical Seminars is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Associates to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.

PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education PACE Academy of General Dentistry Program Approval for Continuing Education

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$59 Pricing

Refund Policy

Special Needs or Requests? Please Call the office for assistance.

Infection Control Update and Top 10 OSHA Citations!

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