Presented by
Priyanshi Ritwik
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Course Description
Pediatric Dentistry
Traumatic dental injuries are quick and unexpected! The dental team must be prepared to provide emergency care at any time. In this interactive webinar, Dr. Ritwik will present case-based discussions of the most common injuries to primary and permanent teeth. The biological basis for healing and prognosis of traumatic dental injuries will be discussed. Contemporary treatment options based on the guidelines set forth by the International Association of Dental Traumatology will provide an evidence-based approach to clinical management.
The educational teaching methodology used in this course is live, interactive lecture presented via Zoom webinar with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation. Both the live webinar and the PowerPoint presentation incorporate a variety of audio and visual cues to enhance audience members’ understanding and retention of key concepts. In addition, question and answer periods are provided for at the conclusion of each section of the live webinar.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course the participants should be able to:
- Learn assessment of traumatic injury to the teeth and oral soft tissues.
- Discuss management of common injuries to primary teeth
- Review treatment options for traumatic crown fractures
- Understand options for the management of dental pulp in traumatic dental injuries
- Provide time-sensitive dental management for avulsion of mature and immature teeth
- Understand the concepts and techniques for splinting traumatically injured teeth.