State CE Requirements for Dentists
State | Renewal Cycle | CE Requirements for Dentist | Notes | State Governing Agency | Online Limit |
Alabama Learn More | The required hours must be completed in the twelve (12) month period beginning October 1 of each year and ending September 30 of the next year. | Dentists shall complete twenty (20) hours of continuing education every year as a condition of licensure. | Dentists must maintain current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the basic support level through the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or an equivalent program. Dentists must achieve a minimum of one (1) hour of Continuing Education in the subject of infectious disease control every two (2) years. Dentists must achieve a minimum of one (1) hour of Continuing Education in the subject of prescribing controlled substances every two (2) years. New as of October 1, 2023: 1 hour per year of Ethical Considerations in the practice of Dentistry | Half of total credits must be face-to-face. Zoom live webinars are not considered in-person training. | |
Alaska Learn More | March 1, 2023- February 28, 2025 | An applicant for renewal of a dentistry license shall submit evidence of continued professional competence by documenting completion of at least 32 contact hours of continuing education. | Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification that meets the requirements of 12 AAC 28.920 If the applicant holds a valid federal Drug Enforcement Administration registration number, verification that the applicant has completed not less than two hours of continuing education in pain management and opioid use and addiction. | Not more than eight hours of continuing education taken through the Internet in a 24-hour period may apply to meet the continuing education hours required by 12 AAC 28.400 or 12 AAC 28.405. | |
Arizona Learn More | Effective date of 1/1/2022, the new law amends the expiration date of all dental licenses from 6/30 every three years to the licensee's birthday every three years. A licensee's license expires 30 days after the licensee's birth month every third year. | Dentists and dental consultants shall complete 63 hours of recognized continuing dental education in each renewal period. | At least 3 credit hours in opioid education. At least 3 credit hours in infectious diseases or infectious disease control. At least 3 credit hours in cardiopulmonary resuscitation healthcare provider level, advanced cardiac life support or pediatric advanced life support. At least 3 credit hours in ethics or Arizona dental jurisprudence. | For live and online courses - as long as the course is provided in real time and you cannot take a break and come back and proceed through the course where you left off, then it's considered a "live" course. The real key terms are self-study and live. You are prevented from taking more than the limited hours (no more than 21 hours for Dentists, 18 hours for Dental Therapists and 9 hours for Denturists) of self-study, but you are not prevented from taking as many virtual, online or in-person courses as long as they are in real time (live) and you are unable to stop/pause the instruction and finish the instruction later. | |
Arkansas Learn More | The first reporting period will begin January 1, 1994 and end December 31, 1995. Each reporting period will start on an even numbered year. | The requirement for minimum continuing education for Arkansas licensed dentists will be fifty (50) CEUs for every two (2) year reporting period. | "At least 1 CE hour in each 2-year reporting period must be on the subject of the infection control. Each licensed dentist, dental hygienist, and registered dental assistant must take a Healthcare Provider level of cardiopulmonary resuscitation course" | Home study courses which include a post-test and the issuance of a certificate of completion will be accepted. | |
California Learn More | Licenses expire on the last day of the birth month of the licensee every two years. If the licensee's birth year is an even number, his or her license will expire during even-numbered years. If the licensee's birth year is an odd number, his or her license will expire during odd-numbered years. | All Dentists in the State of California who wish to maintain an active license are required to complete 50 hours of continuing education for license renewal. | Basic Life Support (BLS) course provided by the American Red Cross (ARC) or American Heart Association (AHA) BLS course or a BLS course approved by the American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI), American Dental Association's Continuing Education Recognition Program (CERP) or the Academy of General Dentistry's Program Approval for Continuing Education (PACE). A maximum of 4 credits will be awarded for completion of this course. Online courses will not be accepted for the BLS requirement. The course must include a live, in-person skills practice session, a skills test and a written examination. 2. California Infection Control* – This course must be 2-units and be taken through a Registered Provider approved by the Board to offer this mandatory course. 3. California Dental Practice Act* – This course must be 2-units and be taken through a Registered Provider approved by the Board to offer this mandatory course. 4. Responsibilities and Requirements of Prescribing Schedule II Opioids (Dentist only)* – This course must be 2-units and be taken through a Registered Provider approved by the Board to offer this mandatory course. * In order for the mandatory course certificates to be accepted by the Board, you must ensure that you have taken the course from an approved mandatory course provider. | "No more than 50% of the total required units may be taken as non-live or correspondence courses. Interactive courses such as live video conferencing, live webinar, live lecture and live workshop demonstrations may be considered as a live course." | |
Colorado Learn More | Last Day of February of even years | Dentists, academic dentists, and dental therapists must complete at least 30 hours of CE during each two-year license period | "Current Basic Life Support (BLS) for healthcare providers is required of all licensees and all licensees will receive a maximum of 2 hours continuing education credit Every Dentist and Academic Dentist, regardless of the date of licensure, is required to complete at least one (1) hour of training per renewal period in order to demonstrate competency pertaining to: best practices for opioid prescribing recognition of substance use disorders referral of patients with substance use disorders for treatment use of the electronic prescription drug monitoring program" | At least 50% of the required CE hours must be live and interactive. This may include web-based courses. Interaction meeting this requirement includes the opportunity and ability for course participants to ask questions in real-time, and for the instructor to answer participant questions in real-time. | |
Connecticut Learn More | Most licenses expire in the first birth month following issuance and are renewable annually thereafter. Most licensees can expect to receive renewal notification approximately 60 days prior to expiration. | Licensed dentists shall earn a minimum of twenty-five contact hours of qualifying continuing education every two years. One contact hour is a minimum of fifty minutes of continuing education activity. | "The continuing education shall (1) be in an area of the licensee's practice; (2) reflect the professional needs of the licensee in order to meet the health care needs of the public; and (3) include not less than one contact hour of training or education in (A) any three of the ten mandatory topics for continuing education activities prescribed by the Commissioner, (B) for registration periods beginning on and after October 1, 2016, infection control in a dental setting, and (C) prescribing controlled substances and pain management. The ten (10) mandatory topics for continuing education activities prescribed by the Commissioner are: Prescribing controlled substances and pain management; Record keeping/risk management,; Infection control; Access to care; HIPAA compliance; Medical emergencies in the dental office (including current training in CPR); Sexual assault and domestic abuse; Cultural competence; Mental health conditions common to veterans; and Diagnostic technology." | Internet-based, on-line and other distance learning opportunities are acceptable. | |
Delaware Learn More | Each license shall be renewed biennially. | Active Dentist or Dentist Academic licensees must complete 50 hours of approved Continuing Professional Education (CPE) | "At least 2 of the required CPE hours must be from a course covering infection control. In addition to the CPE, all licensees must provide evidence that they have successfully completed a current course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)." | A maximum of 30 hours of the total CPE requirement may be satisfied by self-study. Not more than ten (10) hours of the fifty hour biennial CPE requirement may be satisfied by self-study without testing. | |
District of Columbia Learn More | Renewal period ends December 31 2023. License shall expire at 12:00 midnight of December 31 of each odd-numbered year. | An applicant for renewal of a license shall submit proof pursuant to § 4206.13 of having completed thirty (30) hours of credit within the two-year (2) period preceding the date the license expires. | Current cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification for health care providers (“CPR certification”); (b) Two (2) hours of infection control in approved continuing education programs; (c) One (1) hour of ethics in approved continuing education programs; (d) Two (2) hours of continuing education on cultural competency or specialized clinical training focusing on patients or clients who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, gender nonconforming, queer, or question their sexual orientation or gender identity and expression (“LGBTQ”) meeting the requirements of Section 510(b)(5) of the District of Columbia Health Occupations Revision Act of 1985, effective March 25, 1986 (D.C. Law 6-99; D.C. Official Code § 3-1205.10(b)(5)); and (e) At least ten percent (10%) of the total required continuing education shall be in the subjects determined by the Director as public health priorities of the District every five (5) years or less frequently, as deemed appropriate by the Director, with notice of the subject matter published in the D.C. Register. | Beginning with the licensure period ending December 31, 2021, the continuing education requirements may be satisfied through approved internet continuing education courses. | |
Florida Learn More | Licensed Dentists are required to renew their license no later than midnight, Eastern Time, on February 28, 2024 | Active Dentists must complete 30 hours of approved Continuing Education (CE) (28) General Hours (2) Medical Error | "During the licensure biennial renewal period that begins on March 1, 2020 and every licensure biennial renewal period thereafter, all dentists who hold an active sedation permit of any level shall take the following continuing education instead of the continuing education required in subsection (1): A four (4) hour board approved continuing education course in Medical Emergencies that shall include airway management as a component of the course. 2 hours Medical Error 2 Hours Domestic Violence (due every third biennium) 2 hours HIV/AIDS (due for first renewal only) CPR 2 hours - Safe and Effective Prescribing or controlled substances -Effective July 1, 2019, required for all dentists at every renewal." | ||
Georgia Learn More | Licenses shall expire at the close of December 31 in all odd-numbered years and shall be administratively revoked for failure to renew on July 1 of the following even numbered year. | Forty (40) hours for the two year renewal period. Thirty (30) of the required hours must be in clinical science. | Effective on and after January 1, 2023, one (1) hour of the minimum requirement shall include legal ethics and professionalism in the practice of dentistry, which shall include, but not be limited to, education and training regarding professional boundaries; unprofessional conduct relating to the commission of acts of sexual intimacy, abuse, misconduct, or exploitation with regard to the practice of dentistry; legislative updates and changes to the laws relating to the practice of dentistry and rules, policies, and advisory opinions and rulings issued by the Board; professional conduct and ethics; proper billing practices; professional liability; and risk management. | The COVID-19 pandemic policy for CE requirements for Dentists and Dental Hygienists, which was adopted for the 2020-2021 biennium and extended to the 2022-2023 biennium has expired. This policy previously permitted that portion of a licensee’s CE hours which were required to be “in-person at an on-site course or seminar to be completed via live, instructor-led virtual courses or seminars.” For the 2024-2025 biennium, the CE requirements for Dentists and Dental Hygienists have returned to the requirements of Rules 150-3-.09 and 150-5.05, respectively. CE hours must be completed as prescribed by Rule. RESUMING JANUARY 1, 2024, FOR THE 2024-2025 BIENNIUM, “LIVE, INSTRUCTOR-LED VIRTUAL COURES OR SEMINARS” WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IN LIEU OF THAT PORTION OF THE CE REQUIREMENT REQUIRED TO BE COMPLETED “IN-PERSON AT AN ON-SITE COURSE OR SEMINAR.” | |
Hawaii Learn More | All Dentist licensees must renew their licenses by December 31 of every odd-numbered year regardless of the date that the license was issued. | Dentists are required to complete 38 CE hours (32 hours of CE in approved categories pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”) §16-79-141 | "Max four (4) hours CE of Required Basic Life Support (“BLS”) for Healthcare Providers course After January 1, 2018, each licensed dentist shall complete at least six (6) hours of ethics training per licensing biennium, regardless of the date of initial licensure. A dentist administering general anesthesia or moderate sedation shall be required to complete the Advance Cardiac Life Support (“ACLS”) course or if treating pediatric patients, the Pediatric Advanced Life Support (“PALS”) course" | Virtual CEs will be accepted for this renewal period. These do not need to be synchronous courses. On November 21, 2022, the Board of Dentistry (“Board”) voted to extend its blanket waiver allowing for acceptance of all continuing education (“CE”) courses completed through virtual means due to undue hardship from the pandemic, pursuant to Hawaii Administrative Rules (“HAR”) §16-79-147. This exemption will only be applied towards the required CE course hours for the biennial renewal period of January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023. | |
Idaho Learn More | To renew a dental license, each licensee shall submit a properly completed renewal application and the appropriate biennial license fee to the board prior to September 30 of every even-numbered calendar year | Dentists are required to complete 30 hours of CE | One (1) hour must be related to opioid prescribing | ||
Illinois Learn More | A prerenewal period is the 36 months preceding September 30 of the year of the renewal. | Dentists are required to attest they have completed of a minimum of 48 hours of continuing education over the three-year licensing period. | Safe Opioid Prescribing Practices: Prescribers with Controlled Substances Registrations are required to complete 3 hours of continuing education (CE) on safe opioid prescribing practices to renew their Controlled Substances Registration Sexual Harassment Training: All dentists and dental hygienists are mandated by law to take this one-hour course during every three-year license renewal period. Dentists are also required to offer a sexual harassment course to employees once each year. A dentist or dental hygienist shall provide proof of current Basic Life Support (BLS) certification intended for health care providers at the time of renewal. | "CE credit may be earned for completion of an individual study course (correspondence, audio or video course) sponsored by an approved sponsor. The courses shall include a test that the licensee must pass to obtain credit. No more than 50% of the required CE credit hours during a prerenewal period may be acquired through correspondence courses. CE credit may be earned from teleconferencing courses with a moderator present given by an Illinois approved sponsor." | |
Indiana Learn More | Dentist's licenses expire on March 1st of even numbered years. The next renewal date is March 1, 2024 | Dentists are required to have completed twenty (20) hours of continuing education | "Effective July 1st, 2019, pursuant to Senate Enrolled Act 225-2018, a practitioner who is licensed by a board and applies for registration or re-registration to distribute or dispense a controlled substance must have completed two (2) hours of continuing education addressing the topic of opioid prescribing and opioid abuse. They are also required to complete a two (2) hour course which covers Ethics, Professional Responsibility and the Indiana Statutes and Administrative Rules per renewal period In order to renew a permit to administer general anesthesia, deep sedation, or light parenteral conscious sedation, a dentist shall obtain five (5) hours of continuing education in every license period in the area of anesthesia" | Online courses are acceptable to fulfill one-half the continuing education requirement for dentists and dental hygienists. The course must be approved by one of the accrediting bodies. | |
Iowa Learn More | All dental licenses, faculty permits, moderate sedation permits and general anesthesia permits expire on August 31 of every even-numbered year. | Certification of completion of 30 hours of continuing education. | "CPR Required for renewal – can claim up to 3 hours Infection Control - Must complete a minimum of 1 hour every 2 years in the area of infection control standards as required by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Iowa Jurisprudence - Must complete a minimum of 1 hour every 2 years Abuse Identification and Reporting Training -Effective July 1, 2019, licensees and registrants who practice in Iowa, must complete training through the Department of Human Services and renew the training every 3 years thereafter. Prior to July 1, 2019, the training was valid for 5 years. Opioids - Dentists who prescribe opioids to patients must complete a minimum of 1 hour of CE in the area of opioids. Sedation - 6 hours for persons with a deep sedation/general anesthesia or moderate (conscious) sedation permit. Please note: This CE requirement does not apply to local anesthesia permit holders." | "Self-study or home study activities including television viewing, video programs, correspondence work, or computer programs, are limited to a maximum of 12 hours per biennium. Internet-based webinars which include the involvement of an instructor and participants in real time and which allow for communication with the instructor through messaging, telephone or other means shall not be construed to be self-study activities." | |
Kansas Learn More | All even numbered licensees will renew in even numbered years. All odd numbered licensees will renew in odd numbered years. The license renewal period is from October 1 to December 1 | All dentists will need 60 hours of CE, including 2 hours of ethics, since December 1st of the last renewal or 30 hours if it is the first renewal. | "Two (2) hour of ethics Up to 4 hours in CPR training may be used toward your CE renewal requirement" | There is no limit on the number of CE hours that may be taken online. | |
Kentucky Learn More | All dental licenses issued by the Kentucky Board of Dentistry expire on December 31 of odd numbered years. | All dentists and dental hygienists are required to earn 30 hours of continuing education during their two-year license period. | "All licensed dentists in Kentucky must complete 3 hours of continuing education related to electronic prescription monitoring, pain management or addiction disorders Sedation Permit Holders (Minimal Pediatric Sedation, Moderate Enteral Sedation, Moderate Parenteral Sedation, or Moderate Pediatric Sedation) are required to complete not less than 6 hours of clinical continuing education related to sedation or anesthesia Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia permit holders shall complete not less than 4 hours of on-sight clinical continuing education related to sedation or anesthesia during the two year term" | At least ten of these hours must be taken in a live interactive format. | |
Louisiana Learn More | All renewing licensees must report their completed continuing education no later than December 31. | Each dentist shall complete a minimum of 30 hours of continuing education during each renewal period | "3 of the 30 hours must include an opioid management course which includes training on drug diversion, best practice prescribing of controlled substances or appropriate treatment for addiction. Successful completion of this three-hour requirement once during a dentist’s career shall satisfy this requirement in full. Dentists will be awarded three clinical credit hours for successful completion of cardiopulmonary resuscitation course “C”, basic life support for healthcare providers as defined by the American Heart Association or the Red Cross professional rescue course" | 10 hours of clinical courses pertaining to the actual delivery of dental services to patients that may be done in person, online or via correspondence; if done online or via correspondence the courses must require the successful completion of a written examination at the conclusion of the course; | |
Maine Learn More | The biennial license term begins January 1 of even numbered years and ends December 31st of odd numbered years. All licenses may be renewed sixty (60) days prior to the expiration date | Dentists, Faculty Dentists, and Limited Dentists: Forty (40) Credit Hours Required for License Renewal | "Current CPR certification As a condition of prescribing opioid medication, at least 3 of the 40 credit hours of continuing education must be earned on the prescription of opioid medication As a condition of holding a sedation permit issued by the Board, at least 6 of the 40 credit hours of continuing education must be earned in sedation and/or anesthesia, physical diagnosis, complications, and techniques" | "There is no credit hour limit on Distance learning activities such as online courses or webinars with verification and passage of an exit examination. No more than ten (10) credit hours can be claimed in any one activity or any combination of activities including Distance learning without exit examination. A licensee may claim continuing education credit for distance learning activities such as online courses and webinars in which an exit examination was not taken." | |
Maryland Learn More | The period for completing continuing education requirements extends for a 2-year period from January 1 through December 31 of the following year | A licensee seeking renewal shall complete not less than 30 full hours of continuing education | "A licensee shall maintain cardiopulmonary resuscitation certification 2 hours of infection control for each renewal cycle 2-hour Board-approved course on the Proper Prescribing and Disposal of Prescription Drugs. Must be completed by dentists every other renewal cycle 2-hour Board-approved course on Abuse and Neglect as it Relates to Maryland Law. Must be completed by dentists and dental hygienists every other renewal cycle. The course must contain a Maryland law component" | Dentists and dental hygienists may earn up to 17-hours for self-study activities per renewal cycle. Webinars that are “designed to enhance the licensee’s clinical knowledge and ability to treat dental patients” are acceptable. | |
Massachusetts Learn More | Dental Licenses, facility permits and anesthesia/sedation permits are all renewed at the same time, by March 31st of the even numbered years. | Dentists must complete a minimum of 40 CEUs each 2-year renewal cycle | "A licensee shall complete continuing education as a condition precedent to the biennial renewal of a license in the following areas: (a) CDC Guidelines; and (b) Continuous certification in CPR/AED, or BLS As amended on March 14, 2016, MGL c. 94C, s. 18(e), states that all prescribers, upon initial application for a Massachusetts license to practice dentistry and subsequently during each license renewal period, must complete education relative to: Effective pain management; The risks of abuse and addiction associated with opioid medication; Identification of patients at risk for substance abuse disorders; Counseling patients about the side effects, addictive nature and proper storage and disposal of prescription medications; Appropriate prescription quantities for prescription medications that have an increased risk of abuse; and Opioid antagonists, overdose prevention treatments and instances in which a patient may be advised on both the use of and ways to access opioid antagonists and overdose prevention treatments. Please note that MGL 94C, Section 18(e) does not specify a minimum number of contact hours to comply with this education requirement." | A dentist may earn a maximum of 20 CEUs per renewal cycle by completing an individual study course (home study, on-line, correspondence, audio or video). All such courses must include a test, which the licensee shall pass to obtain credit. | |
Michigan Learn More | Every three years, all Michigan dentists must renew their licenses and certify compliance with state continuing education rules by submitting their application for license renewal. | Every dentist is required to complete, during the 3-year period prior to the date of application for renewal of the license, not less than 60 hours of continuing education | "All dentists, beginning with the 2020 renewal cycle, and all renewal cycles thereafter, are required to have completed training in identifying victims of human trafficking. Please note this is a one-time training that is separate from continuing education. Must complete 3 hours of board approved continuing education in pain and symptom management related to the practice of dentistry. CE hours may include, but are not limited to, courses in behavior management, psychology of pain, pharmacology, behavior modification, stress management, clinical applications, and drug interactions. Must possess current certification in basic or advanced cardiac life support One hour in dental ethics and jurisprudence with inclusion of delegation of duties to allied dental personnel. One hour in infection control, which must include sterilization of hand pieces, personal protective equipment, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s infection control guidelines." | "Complete a minimum of 20 hours of the required continuing education hours by attending synchronous, live courses or programs that provide for direct interaction between faculty and participants, including, but not limited to, lectures, symposia, live teleconferences, workshops. No more than 30 hours of the required continuing education hours may be asynchronously, noninteractive." | |
Minnesota Learn More | The initial professional development cycle begins on the date licensure is granted by the board and ends on the last day of the licensee's birth month in either an even-numbered or odd-numbered year that corresponds with the licensee's year of birth. A biennial professional development cycle coincides with the biennial renewal period. Each biennial renewal cycle consists of a 24-month period beginning on the first day of the month following expiration of the previous cycle | Dentists must complete 50 total hours every 2 years (30 Minimum Fundamental Hours and 20 max Elective Hours) | "Licensees must maintain continuous CPR certification. Course must be a healthcare provider level course (BLS) taken through only the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association. Each licensee must complete an infection control course during each biennial cycle period. The self-assessment is based on the core subject areas. This activity is required for each biennial cycle and is worth one (1) fundamental credit. All dentists who prescribe controlled substances must obtain two (2) hours of CE on best practices in prescribing opioids and controlled substances" | "Fundamental activities for an initial or biennial cycle must directly relate to clinical dental services to patients. Fundamental activities include Clinical subjects that are covered through seminars, webinars or lectures. Elective activities include self-study directly relating to dentistry" | |
Mississippi Learn More | The reporting period is two (2) years. At its 02/01/2013 meeting, the Board amended item number 1 of Board Regulation 41 to stipulate that the continuing education reporting period runs from January 1 through December 31 of each year, i.e., the reporting period was changed from a renewal based cycle to a calendar year based cycle.This change in the continuing education reporting period went into effect 01/01/2014 | Dentists must obtain a minimum of forty (40) hours of continuing education for the two-year cycle. | "Every dentist who prescribes, administers, or dispenses any controlled substance within the State of Mississippi, or who proposes to engage in the prescribing, administering, or dispensing of any controlled substance within the State of Mississippi, shall be required to obtain three (3) hours of continuing education every two (2) years regarding the prescription of opioids No more than four (4) hours per year on the subject of CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) shall be allowed toward the two-year, forty-hour requirement" | Continuing education credit will be given for computer-based courses, video courses, audio courses, reading, and/or correspondence/home study courses on a limited basis. Effective with the Board's 05/18/2012 amendment, dentists and dental hygienists are limited to a maximum of twenty-five percent (25%) of this type of continuing education per two-year continuing education reporting period. At its 10/16/2015 meeting, the Board amended Section 6 of Board Regulation 41 to effect an exemption to the 25% maximum for webinars providing live interaction among the course presenter and participants. Furthermore, a post-study examination must be a part of any of the courses, including the aforementioned exempted webinars | |
Missouri Learn More | A two (2)-year period with starting dates of December 1 of even years, through November 30 of even years | In order to renew a license, each dentist shall submit satisfactory evidence of completion of fifty (50) hours of continuing education during the two (2)-year period immediately preceding the renewal period | Beginning with DEA initial registrations or renewals starting June 27, 2023, all DEA-registered practitioners (with the exception of DVM-only license holders) are required 8 hours on treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance disorders. | ||
Montana Learn More | Starting April 15, 2015, licensees shall complete continuing education within a three-year renewal cycle | Dentists are required to complete 60 credit hours every 3 years | Beginning with DEA initial registrations or renewals starting June 27, 2023, all DEA-registered practitioners (with the exception of DVM-only license holders) are required 8 hours on treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. with DEA initial registrations or renewals starting June 27, 2023, all DEA-registered practitioners (with the exception of DVM-only license holders) are required 8 hours on treating and managing patients with opioid or other substance use disorders. | ||
Nebraska Learn More | On or before March 1 of each odd-numbered year, a dentist must complete continuing education | Renewal of your license requires 30 hours of acceptable continuing education earned during the preceding 24-month period prior to the license expiration date | "A minimum of 2 hours in a renewal period must be obtained in infection control continuing education If the licensee prescribes controlled substances, continuing education that meets the requirements set in Neb. Rev. Stat. § 38-145 A minimum of 6 hours in a renewal period must be obtained in general anesthesia or sedation administration and management for the dental office continuing education for licensees holding any level of sedation permit" | A maximum of 10 hours each in a renewal period may be obtained through home study. | |
Nevada Learn More | All renewals must be submitted to the Board office on/before June 30 of odd years | Each dentist licensed to practice in the State of Nevada must annually complete at least 20 hours of instruction in approved courses of continuing education or biennially complete at least 40 hours of instruction in approved courses of continuing education | "A dentist who is registered to dispense controlled substances must complete at least 2 hours of training relating specifically to the misuse and abuse of controlled substances, the prescribing of opioids or addiction during each period of licensure A dentist must annually complete at least 2 hours in the clinical subject of infection control or biennially complete at least 4 hours Each licensee must complete a course of instruction, within 2 years after initial licensure, relating to the medical consequences of an act of terrorism that involves the use of a weapon of mass destruction." | Not more than 50 percent of the number of hours of continuing education for courses completed via home study, on-line study, self-study or journal study through correspondence, webinar, compact disc or digital video disc | |
New Hampshire Learn More | Beginning on February 22, 2023, licenses issued will expire two years from the date of issuance, on the last day of the month in the month the license was issued. | All dentists with an active New Hampshire license shall complete a minimum of 40 CEUs of continuing education per biennium. | "At least 2 CEUs shall be earned in infection control in a live or online course which includes the Center for Disease Control Prevention and Control Guidelines and Recommendations in its syllabus Starting April 1, 2020, at least 2 CEUs shall be earned in Medical Emergency Training. Dentists who have a DEA # associated with New Hampshire and who prescribe Schedule II-IV controlled substances, shall complete 3 CEUs of board-approved continuing education or pass an online examination per biennium, in the area of pain management and addiction disorder or a combination, as a condition for initial licensure and license renewal" | A licensee shall receive credit for up to 50% of the required CEUs by participating in audio-visual or online programs or live webinars which require the successful completion of a written examination by the licensee to be scored by the provider of such programs. | |
New Jersey Learn More | Dentist licenses are renewed every two years. | All licensed dentists holding active licenses shall submit a certification verifying completion of 40 hours of continuing dental education every two years at the time of registration renewal | "The New Jersey State Board of Dentistry shall require that the number of credits of continuing dental education required of each person licensed as a dentist, as a condition of biennial registration include one credit of educational programs or topics concerning prescription opioid drugs, including responsible prescribing practices, alternatives to opioids for managing and treating pain, and the risks and signs of opioid abuse, addiction, and diversion Two hours of continuing education in preventing and controlling infectious diseases and managing personnel health and safety concerns related to infection control in dental settings. Examples of such education include: modes of disease transmission and the chain of infection; strategies that can prevent occupational exposures to blood and bodily fluids; methods to ensure that patient-care items and environmental surfaces are safe for use; selection and use of safe dental devices and dental water quality assurance and practice monitoring; and evaluation of dental infection control programs" | A maximum of 20 hours of continuing education credit shall be given for any form of written or electronic media distance learning courses. A written or electronic media distance learning course shall include a written post-test, and such test shall be retained by the licensee as an additional record of completion of the course. Webinars shall not be considered electronic media distance learning courses if they are live (not previously recorded) and synchronous (the instructor and licensee interact with each other in real time). | |
New Mexico Learn More | After the initial license period, licenses expire every three years on June 30 | Dentists: 60 hours of continuing education are required during each triennial renewal cycle | "At least 1 hour of INFECTION CONTROL Current CPR/BLS (cannot be on-line) Any dentist who holds a federal drug enforcement administration registration to prescribe controlled substances, shall be required to complete and submit three CEUS in pain management" | Dentists: A max of 30 hrs can be online, webinars or self study. | |
New York Learn More | Each licensed dentist is required to register triennially with the department to practice in New York and shall comply with the provisions of the mandatory continuing education requirements | New York State Education Law requires dentists to complete 60 contact hours of continuing education in each three-year registration period | "Dentists and dental hygienists must also complete a State approved infection control course every 4 years All dentists must achieve certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) During your first registration period after January 1, 2002, you must complete on a one-time basis, a two-hour course regarding the oral health effects of tobacco and tobacco products During your first registration period which begins on or after January 1, 2008, you are required to complete, on a one-time basis, a State approved course in dental jurisprudence and ethics NYS Mandated Ethics and Jurisprudence course." | Beginning on July 1, 2008, dentists are required to complete at least seven-tenths of their continuing education hours via live courses (42 of the 60 contact hours required for a three-year registration). The balance of the remaining hours may be completed through appropriate self-study courses. | |
North Carolina Learn More | The one-year period spans one calendar year (January to December being a calendar year) | Every year, dentists must complete 15 hours of continuing education | "All dentists licensed after January 1, 2019 are required to take a six-hour course on Professionalism and Ethics Both dentists and hygienists are required to maintain current CPR" | The Board has determined that dentists may obtain any or all of their required 15 hours online or through correspondence courses which have post-tests and issue certificates of completion. | |
North Dakota Learn More | Renewal deadline for all dentists and dental hygienists is December 31st of ODD numbered years | Dentists are required to take 32 hours of continuing education during each biennial renewal cycle | "A cardiopulmonary resuscitation course; webinar CPR courses must have a hands-on component. A minimum of two hours of infection control education. A minimum of two hours of ethics and/or jurisprudence. General anesthesia and moderate or minimal sedation permit holders must include four hours related to sedation or anesthesia." | "Self-study: One half of the required hours for renewal of license and registration may be obtained thru self-study. Self-study is defined as an education process designed to permit a participant to learn a given subject without involvement of a proctor or interaction of a third party. Self-study programs may be pre-recorded audio programs, self-paced digital courses, or self-paced printed material. Payment for a course and the certificate of completion are required in the event of an audit. Continuing education hours may consist of a maximum of one-half self-study and the remainder must come from online webinars (recorded, not live) or classroom style education. Live Webinars: The Board determined that a live webinar is equivalent to classroom education where CE is concerned. A live webinar is not considered equivalent to online/self-study education because live webinars allow for interaction with the presenter and ability to ask questions. Live webinars are by the nature of the experience, the existence of a third party and the inclusion of proof of attendance. CPR may be obtained via a webinar but the course must include an actual hands-on component." | |
Ohio Learn More | Each person who is licensed to practice dentistry in Ohio shall, on or before the first day of January of each even-numbered year, register with the state dental board | "Effective April 6, 2023, House Bill 509 reduces the number of required continuing education hours for dentists and dental hygienists: Dentists shall complete biennially not less than 30 continuing education hours. Previous law required dentists to complete not less than 40 continuing education hours each biennium. Therefore, the minimum required continuing education hours for this license renewal cycle (12/31/2023) drops to 30 hours." | Mandatory opioid prescribing education - continuing education experiences pertaining to the prescribing of opioids for acute, subacute and chronic pain. The licensee must obtain a minimum of two (2) hours of continuing education in this category | ||
Oklahoma Learn More | The reporting period is changing from a 3 year reporting period to a 2 year. The current reporting period is July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023. | "Effective January 1, 2020 the CE hours will be changing to the following: Dentist - Will need to complete 40 hrs instead of 60" | "Below are required: 2 hrs of Opioid BLS Ethics" | No more than twenty (20) hours may be completed online. Interactive classes or webinar classes may, at the discretion of the Board, count as in-person. | |
Oregon Learn More | A licensure year for dentists is April 1 through March 31. | Each dentist must complete 40 hours of continuing education every two years | • Three hours of medical emergencies every renewal cycle • Two hours of infection control (Please note, if using OSHA your certificate must delineate the difference in hours between OSHA and infection control) every renewal cycle. • Effective January 1, 2021, all licensees are required to complete at least two hours of continuing education related to cultural competency every renewal cycle. • All licensees are required to maintain at a minimum a current Healthcare Provider BLS/CPR or equivalent certification. • At each renewal, all dentists licensed by the Oregon Board of Dentistry will complete a one-hour pain management course specific to Oregon provided by the Pain Management Commission of the Oregon Health Authority (Effective July 1, 2022). | Correspondence courses, videotapes, distance learning courses or similar self-study course, provided that the course provides a certificate of completion to the dentist. The certificate of completion should list the dentist’s name, course title, course completion date, course provider name, and continuing education hours completed. | |
Pennsylvania Learn More | April 1 through March 31 (Odd) numbered years. | A Dentist shall complete 30 hours of continuing education credit hours during the preceding biennial period | 2 hours must be Board-approved continuing education in child abuse recognition and reporting. Licensees authorized to prescribe or dispense opioids are required to complete at least 2 hours in Pain Management. Beginning with DEA initial registrations or renewals starting June 27, 2023, all DEA-registered practitioners (with the exception of DVM-only license holders) are required 8 hours on treating and managing patients with Substance abuse disorders. | A maximum of 50% of the required credit hours may be taken through individual study | |
Rhode Island Learn More | Every licensed dentists who desires to renew his or her license must file with the Board before the first (1st) of May in each even-numbered year. Continuing education is reported biennially. The biennial accrual period for continuing education is July 1st. | All dentists licensed to practice in Rhode Island shall maintain evidence that in the preceding two (2) years he or she has satisfactorily completed at least forty (40) hours of continuing dental education courses | "All dentists practicing in a dental setting shall receive a minimum of one (1) hour per year of training on the CDC Infection Control Guidelines All dentists practicing in a dental setting shall hold a current certificate of completion from an approved course in Basic Life Support (BLS) for Healthcare Providers that includes a hands-on skill component and conforms to the current American Heart Association Guidelines Update for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Emergency Cardiovascular Care (ECC), and is offered by any accredited agency approved by the Board" | Successful completion of a post-test is necessary to obtain credit for self-instructional courses. | |
South Carolina Learn More | Per SC Regulation 39-5(F), all licensees are required to complete CEs in order to be eligible to renew their license/registration. All CEs must be completed within the two year renewal period: January 1 of odd years to December 31 of even years. | All dentists will need twenty-eight (28) hours of continuing education (CE) completed for biennial renewal | "Two (2) hours must be sterilization and infection control If a licensee is authorized to prescribe controlled substances two (2) hours of the twenty-eight (28) hours must be in prescribing and monitor of controlled substances CPR recertification must be completed once every three years" | Of the required twenty-eight (28) hours, no more than half of the required CE hours can be attained through online or computerized courses. Interactive webinars are considered live or in-person CE hours and not subject to the fifty percent (50%) restriction. | |
South Dakota Learn More | Every five years of licensure or registration, each licensee or registrant shall provide the board evidence, of a nature suitable to the board that a licensee or registrant has attended, or participated in an amount of board approved continuing education or continuing competency as shall be required by the board | Dentists must earn 100 hours of continuing education in every 5-year CE cycle | "Dentists must maintain a current cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) card A Dentist holding a general anesthesia and deep sedation or moderate sedation permit must complete an additional 25 hours of continuing education in anesthesia related topics for each five-year licensure cycle" | "Home Study: Limited to 30 hours maximum in a 5-year CE cycle Home study courses or lectures completed on one’s own time without leaving your home or office. You must demonstrate your participation and knowledge of the course or lecture through a certificate of completion from the continuing education provider. If the course you are taking utilizes technology in any way that is interactive, you may consider that course to fall under the appropriate category- Clinical, Radiography, Practice Management, etc. This includes all courses that are conducted with an instructor via webinar, Skype, Zoom, Go To Meeting or other technology that allows for participant interaction. If your course consists of a DVD or video that you view and does not include the ability to interact or ask questions of the instructor, this should be entered as Home Study." | |
Tennessee Learn More | Dentists are required to complete continuing education during the two calendar year cycle (January 1 of an odd year - December 31 of an even year) | Dentists are all required to fulfill 40 hours of continuing education during the two calendar year cycle | "Current CPR A minimum of 2 of the required 40 biennial hours must be obtained in the area of prescribing of controlled substances education which includes instruction in the TN Chronic Pain Guidelines Dentists who hold a Limited Conscious Sedation, Comprehensive Conscious Sedation or Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia permit must also complete a minimum of 4 hours of the required 40 biennial hours in the subject of sedation and/or anesthesia" | ||
Texas Learn More | The expiration date will be based on the licensee's birth month and will be staggered to a biennial renewal affecting licensees due to renew by 10/31/2018 and there after | All Texas licensees holding an active license to practice in Texas must biennially collect a minimum of twenty four (24) hours of appropriate continuing education | "Effective January 1, 2021, a licensed dentist whose practice includes direct patient care must complete at least four (4) CE hours for each biennial renewal, regarding safe and effective pain management related to the prescription of opioids and other controlled substances. The courses taken to satisfy the safe and effective pain management requirement must include education regarding the following: • Reasonable standards of care • The identification of drug-seeking behavior in patients, and • Effectively communicating with patients regarding the prescription of an opioid or other controlled substance Level 1: Minimal Sedation must complete six (6) hours on the administration of or medical emergencies associated with the permitted level of sedation. Level 2 & 3: Moderate Sedation must complete eight (8) hours on the administration of or medical emergencies associated with the permitted level of sedation. Level 4: Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia must complete twelve (12) hours on the administration of or medical emergencies associated with the permitted level of sedation." | "Please be advised that your in-classroom setting CE hours can be completed as Live Interactive Webinars (you can ask and answer questions) through one of our board approved providers. Up to 8 hours of coursework may be self-study. Examples of self-study courses include correspondence courses, video courses, audio courses, and reading courses. As part of the 24-hour requirement, a course in human trafficking prevention approved by the executive commissioner of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission must be completed." | |
Utah Learn More | Utah Dental and Dental Hygienist licenses renew every two years, on May 31 of even-numbered years | All licensed dentists and dental hygienists shall complete 30 hours of qualified continuing professional education during each two year period of licensure | "For a minimal sedation permit holder, at least two hours specific to the administration of enteral anesthesia-pharmacology and minimal sedation; For a moderate sedation permit holder:at least four didactic hours specific to moderate sedation and anesthesia; and attestation of successful completion of at least ten sedation cases; For a deep sedation permit holder: at least eight didactic hours specific to general anesthesia; and attestation of successful completion of at least 30 sedation cases." | a maximum of 15 hours per two-year period may be recognized for continuing education that is provided online or through home study with an examination and a completion certificate | |
Vermont Learn More | Vermont Dental licenses expire every two years, on September 30 of odd-numbered years | "A dentist must document completion of no fewer than 30 hours of Board-approved continuing professional education during the two-year licensing period preceding renewal A Dental Therapist must document completion of no fewer than 20 hours of Board-approved continuing professional education" | "CE shall include emergency office procedures Licensees with a registration number from the DEA, or who dispense controlled substances, shall complete at least two (2) hours of continuing education as a condition of license renewal, on the topics of: the abuse and diversion, safe use, and appropriate storage and disposal of controlled substances; the appropriate use of the Vermont Prescription Monitoring System; risk assessment for abuse or addiction; pharmacological and nonpharmacological alternatives to opioids for managing pain; medication tapering and cessation of the use of controlled substances; and, relevant State and federal laws and regulations concerning the prescription of opioid controlled substance" | ||
Virginia Learn More | Beginning in January 2022, an active or inactive dental license shall be renewed in the licensee's birth month each year | A dentist shall complete a minimum of 15 hours of continuing education, which meets the requirements for content, sponsorship, and documentation set out in this section, for each annual renewal of licensure except for the first renewal following initial licensure and for any renewal of a restricted volunteer license. Continuing education hours in excess of the number required for renewal may be transferred or credited to the next renewal year for a total of not more than 15 hours. | "A dentist shall maintain current training certification in basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation with hands-on airway training for health care providers or basic life support A dentist who administers or monitors patients under general anesthesia, deep sedation, or moderate sedation shall complete four (4) hours every two years of approved continuing education directly related to administration and monitoring of such anesthesia or sedation Any dentist who prescribes Schedules II, III, and IV controlled substances shall obtain two hours of continuing education on pain management every two years" | Continuing education credit may be earned for verifiable attendance at or participation in any course, to include audio and video presentations. | |
Washington Learn More | The three-year continuing education reporting period for a dentist licensed in Washington before 2019 begins January 1, 2019, and verification of completion of continuing education hours will be due on the dentist's annual license renewal date in 2022, and every three years thereafter. The three-year continuing education reporting period for a dentist initially licensed in Washington in 2019 or later begins upon date of licensure | "A licensed dentist shall complete a minimum of sixty-three (63) hours of continuing education every three years Denturists are required to verify 15 clock hours of continuing education yearly." | "For dentists that administer minimal or moderate sedation, the Law requires seven hours every five years in addition to the annual 21 hours required (WAC 246-817-740). Continuing education must be in one or more of the following subjects: • Sedation • Physiology • Pharmacology • Inhalation or Nitrous Oxide analgesia • Patient evaluation • Patient monitoring • Medical emergencies For Moderate Sedation with Parenteral Agents or General Anesthesia permits, the Law requires 18 hours every three years in addition to the annual 21 hours required" | "There is no limit to online CE, but only 30 minutes for every one hour completed counts toward continuing education. Example: You complete 30 hours of continuing education online; you may use 15 hours toward your required 63 hours of continuing education. Live interactive Webinars are specifically indicated as allowable in WAC 246-817-440 (4)(a) of the rule. Full credit is allowed for live Webinars. There is no limit on the number of hours for live Webinars. Full credit is allowed for recorded interactive webinars. WAC 246-817-440 (4)(b)(i) is currently being finalized to include this exception." | |
West Virginia Learn More | Each dentist and dental hygienist shall submit to the Board by February 1, 2024, and every two years thereafter documentation of satisfactory completion of the required hours of continuing education during the previous two years | Each licensed dentist shall complete biennially not less than 35 hours of continuing education. | "Licensed dentists shall complete at least 3 hours of continuing education regarding drug diversion training and best practice prescribing of controlled substances training and training on prescribing and administration of an opioid antagonist and shall report those hours each reporting period. The Board may waive these requirements for a licensed dentist who has not prescribed, administered, or dispensed a controlled substance during the reporting period At least 2 hours of continuing education shall be related to any one or combination of the following subjects during each continuing education reporting period: infection control and/or occupational hazards; oral effects of tobacco use; or oral effects of substance abuse. A current certification for a comprehensive basic life support course for a health care provider that includes: resuscitation on an adult, child, and infant; two-person rescuer; barrier mask or bag for ventilation; foreign body airway obstruction; and automated external defibrillation Class 2 anesthesia certificate holders must complete at least 6 hours of continuing education credits and class 3 and class 4 anesthesia permit holders must complete 16 hours of credits in one or more of the following areas: oral or nitrous oxide sedation; conscious sedation; general anesthesia; physical evaluation; medical emergencies; monitors and use of monitoring equipment; pharmacology; advanced cardiac life support, (maximum of 8 hours credit); pediatric advanced life support (maximum of 8 hours credit); and advanced trauma life support (maximum of 8 hours credit)." | 80% of the required hours may be obtained by supervised self-instruction. Supervised self-instruction shall include a testing mechanism supplied by a permanent or Board approved biennial sponsor. | |
Wisconsin Learn More | Dentists shall renew by October 1 of the odd-numbered year following initial licensure and every 2 years thereafter | A dentist shall complete 30 credit hours of continuing education related to the practice of dentistry or the practice of medicine during the 2−year period immediately preceding the renewal date | Continuing education shall include two (2) hours in the topic of responsible prescribing of controlled substances for the treatment of acute dental pain | The credit hours may be satisfied by independent study, correspondence, or internet programs or courses. | |
Wyoming Learn More | With the practice act changes effective in 2021, licenses are now renewed every two years instead of annually. The current renewal is January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 | Sixteen (16) hours are due every two years | If you are a dentist, 3 of those 16 hours MUST be related to the responsible prescribing of controlled substances | You can take your CE in person or online. There is no limit regarding how many CE you may take online. |

Nationally Approved PACE Program
Provider for FAGD/MAGD credit.
Approval does not imply acceptance by
any regulatory authority or AGD endorsement.
11/1/2021 to 10/31/2027
Provider ID# 208978
Concord Dental and Medical Seminars is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider.
ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry.
Current approval: 5/1/24 – 6/30/26